Black Friday In 1983 Vs. Black Friday In Present Time
I guess I see what people mean when they say back in the good OLD days after watching this! Lately our Black Friday's seem to keep getting worse every year and usually ends with violent behavior.
There are a lot of people who love to take advantage of a good deal by camping out and possibly hurting someone. On Point Preparedness put the two together showing you the difference from Black Friday then to how it is now. It should crack you up when one lady in 1983 states it's packed when it doesn't even look how ours do now. I know the last time I was a participant in Black Friday was when the color Gameboy was popular at the time. Another reason why I gave up on trying to get in on the deals was when people got violent and started camping out.
If you had the opportunity to participate in Black Friday in the 80's and present you will agree with this video!