Badflower Spreads Awareness About Suicide With “Ghosts”
Exactly one year ago today our hearts stopped once the vital news about Chester Bennington's death was confirmed. But today shouldn't be a remembrance for his death but more for the life, that he lived.
Chester Bennington wasn't only loved for his amazing work with Linkin Park but also his humble good deeds. When Chester Bennington wasn't busy with family, writing, or producing music he would devote some time to volunteer. He would stop by to visit the children at Banner Cardon Children's Medical Center. Chester has a huge fan base that he knew how to connect with emotionally through his lyrics. Fans around the world are planning beautiful events to honor Chester and if you also participate, be sure to use the hashtag #MakeChesterProud and tag Linkin Park. Today's heart-wrenching since it's not only the birth date of a grunge rock legend Chris Cornell, but also the death anniversary of Chester Bennington. Chester and Chris Cornell were really tight friends that toured together before. Right after hearing about his good friend Chris Cornell's passing, Chester wrote an emotional and touching letter to Chris Cornell. In the letter, Chester praised the life he got to share with Chris and couldn't imagine a life without him in it. It's normal to be aching with pain after losing someone who means the world to you. Some people can relate to the song above from BadFlower that's called "Ghost" which is a serious matter that occurs all over the world. This song introduces you to the harsh reality of having anxiety and depression. The band members weren't afraid to shine some light on a dark subject matter that's been occurring quite often. Depression is something people need to take seriously and if you're battling those demons fight them back by getting help. There are plenty of resources locally that can help you so if you need more information visit The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
So in honor of Chester Bennington, you will want to tune in to the Q at 5 pm to remember his strong musical legacy.
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