As El Paso Reopens, Hikers Get Their Day
Some of El Paso's hiking trails are reopening Memorial Day Weekend.
Hikers throughout the Borderland can get back to some of their favorite trails as of Memorial Day Weekend. According to the trails opening back up Memorial Day weekend, (May 30th - June 1st), include:
- Lost Dog
- Lazy Cow
- Round House
- Thousand Steps
- Lomas del Sol
- Palisades
- Jan Sumrall Memorial
- Scenic Drive (Scenic Sunday’s resume)
- McKelligon Canyon (beginning Friday, but gate still closed to drivers)
This is great news for El Paso area hikers who have pretty much been relegated to hiking around their own yards lately. Some new rules will have to be adhered to though thanks to COVID 19. According to KTSM, the city released these orders:
"City staff encourage visitors to keep six feet apart from others, not congregate with people who are not from their household, no picnicking, encouraged to use face coverings, and urged not use trails if they or anyone in their household is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms”
In addition to these new "pandemic Guidelines", hikers should also follow the usual, common-sense rules like:
- Don't hike alone
- Let others know where you're going and which trails you will be using
- Ditto for when you are leaving and when you expect to return
- Bring plenty of water and sunscreen
- Wear appropriate attire
- Watch out for snakes and other wildlife
- Stay on approved trails
Finally, know your limitations when choosing a trail. Just because you see someone older/younger/fatter/skinnier, etc hiking it doesn't necessarily mean YOU can. Don't overestimate yourself or your partners. Stay safe!