An Open Letter To The Buzz Adams Morning Show…
Here's a thought for Buzz and company. If you agree, PLEASE say so in the comments!
This morning, the Buzz Adams Morning Show will come up with a new "Mt. Rushmore" involving famous bunnies. To that end, I submit the following:
Dear Buzz and company:
I. Dubba G, respectfully nominate for inclusion in this week's Mt. Rushmore, the Playboy Bunny. (I think he deserves the number 1 spot to be honest.) C'mon, it's only fair as, we all grew up with him and his impact on us has been far greater than Bugs, Easter or Roger could have ever have hoped for.
Just sayin'...
That being said, I would also add that including some of The Playboy Bunny's famous "Bunnies" (see below) in the weekly Mt. Rushmore post at would probably send our "views" through the roof. I'd be happy to help you select photos for that particular gallery or, I can just bring you some.
Your call.