Alamo Drafthouse Airing ‘Big Bang Theory’ Finale for Free
It's been twelve years in the making but the time has come to say goodbye to Sheldon, Leonard, Penny, Walowitz, Raj, Amy and Bernadette. "The Big Bang Theory" comes to an end on May 16 after it all started with a big bang! The ending will hopefully tie up loose ends and answer the one question everyone has: WILL THE ELEVATOR BE FIXED?!
If you're a big fan of "The Big Bang Theory" and want to surround yourself with other TBBT fans, you're in luck! Alamo Drafthouse along with CBS4 is hosting a screening of the finale for free. That's right, you read that right, it's free! Well, you do have to purchase a $5 food and beverage voucher in order to reserve your seat, which you can do so here. But still, five bucks isn't so bad for you to be able to see the finale of one of the most beloved shows in the past decade on the big screen with other fans of the show.
Make plans to attend the finale viewing of "The Big Bang Theory" at Alamo Drafthouse at 250 East Montecillo Blvd. Show starts at 7 P.M. you can reserve your seat by clicking this link. Now everyone sing a long to the theme song!