5 Inspirational Rock Songs To Help You Deal With 2020
I've recently seen song lists featuring songs about disease, sickness and politics. Now, here are some about being hopeful and forgetting all that for a minute.
Music is magical. No matter what you are going through, dealing with, celebrating, etc; the perfect song for it exists. Sad, happy, angry, feeling chill, in love, recently out of love, remembering that first love, whatever; the soundtrack is there. Here are 5 songs written to inspire and one cover version done specifically in light of today's many issues. If all the current madness is getting to you; I hope these will cheer you up and keep you moving.
Someday, this will all be something for us to joke about. For now, keep your chins up ... and your masks on!
Disturbed - The Light. Basically, the message is "never give up". My favorite line, "Sometimes Darkness Can Show You The Light"
Shinedown - Get Up. Originally written by Brent for Shinedown's bassist Eric who constantly battles depression, it serves now as a call to arms for everyone. We're not out of the woods yet but, we will be soon if we all "get up".
Tom Petty - I Won't Back Down. The title says it all. Petty wrote this song after someone tried to kill him by burning down his home. For him, it was about reclaiming his life and moving on. For us too.
Soundgarden - The Day I Tried To Live. Chris Cornell wrote this regarding his own depression and had to "force" himself to get up every day and move on. Something many of us feel today. We do get out of bed though and that resolve is how we'll ultimately beat this bastard plague.
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