44 Years Ago This Week, Black Sabbath Played At The EP Coliseum
Let's take a trip back in time to 1975 when this huge band from the UK came to the Sun City, and concert tickets were so cheap it makes you want to cry.
The year was 1975. Everyone was afraid to get in the water because of Jaws, your future was decided by a magic 8 ball, everyone was wearing bellbottoms and your favorite pet was a rock. Another important thing that happened in this year is that a band that would become the immortals of heavy metal made a stop right here in El Paso. In mid-July 1975, Black Sabbath embarked on their Sabotage Tour plying for fans in both North America and Europe.
On Tuesday, August 26th people from all over the borderland lined up outside of the El Paso Coliseum in the warm summer sun for the chance to see one of the biggest heavy metal bands out there. In case you forgot about this epic concert (and really, how could you forget?!) Black Sabbath Tweeted a photo to remind us all about how great that concert was:
Commenters on Facebook started discussing their memories of this tour and this specific concert date. Two Facebook users even commented about how the ceiling of what they affectionately called the "Cow Palace" fell during exceptionally loud rock shows:
"I was at the AC/DC concert and the ceiling cracks during 'for those about to rock' canons! After that, they remodeled the (w)hole place! Great memories of a great venue"
Another Facebook user even shared with other fans his concert ticket stub from the show! The $5.50 show price is a heck of a lot cheaper than what you pay to see a Black Sabbath show now:
After this photo was also posted on their Facebook page, many started pointing out that this could possibly be the earliest usage of Sabbath's flying demon mascot, Henry. To jump down this rather interesting rabbit hole with me, check out this article here.