3 Great Texas Guitar Players Warming Up and Goofing Around
Texas has given the world more than her share of great guitarists. Here are a few of them letting their hair down and warming up before shows.
Soundcheck is an integral part of a live show and can be anywhere from a few moments of loud fun to a full on mini-performance depending on the band and situation.
It's a "fine - tuning" moment where the musicians and sound crews make sure that everything is dialed in just right so the audience gets a perfect show.
It's also quite often a light hearted moment where the band and crew get to screw around a little bit and/or experiment with different riffs, sounds, etc.
Soundcheck is a moment few fans get to see but, luckily, some of them have been caught on film.
Here are a few of my favorite Texas axe slingers warming up and having a little fun before the show.
We'll start with the one and only Dimebag Darrell horsing around .
Dime was a true professional but he also knew how to have a good time and enjoy things. Here he is having a little fun with one of his most beloved Pantera songs.
Eric Johnson is a master of tone.
Here he is playing around before one of his shows with a casual easiness that makes it look like he's not even trying.
Finally, one of the greatest players to ever come out of Texas, Stevie Ray Vaughan.
He not only kills it during rehearsal but, if you watch carefully, you can see that he seems to have just woken up.
Between yawns, he effortlessly, (and without warning), explodes into action. He gives you chills, wow ...
If you play, those vids should inspire you. If you don't, then they'll at least get your air guitar juices flowin'.