
Baseball Players Give Rain Delay Plenty of Action [VIDEO]
Baseball Players Give Rain Delay Plenty of Action [VIDEO]
Baseball Players Give Rain Delay Plenty of Action [VIDEO]
Ah, the pop of the glove, the "tink" of the bat...That's right, it's college baseball season, too! I generally prefer the college game over the pros in many sports; and while MLB has its own magic because of its tradition, college baseball can be a lot of fun. You'd never see whole teams of Major Leaguers doing stuff like Ole Miss and Southern Miss did during a rain delay...
March Hotness: Cameraman Stalks South Florida Cheerleaders? [VIDEO]
March Hotness: Cameraman Stalks South Florida Cheerleaders? [VIDEO]
March Hotness: Cameraman Stalks South Florida Cheerleaders? [VIDEO]
Sure, the Cal-South Florida NCAA Tournament play-in game wasn't that great, but its suckiness may have revealed that one of the cameraman covering the game might have had a thing for the South Florida dance team and cheerleaders -- because they sure got a lot of air time. Hmmm...wonder why?
Bracketology, Smacketology. What’s All The Fuss About, ESPN? [OPINION]
Bracketology, Smacketology. What’s All The Fuss About, ESPN? [OPINION]
Bracketology, Smacketology. What’s All The Fuss About, ESPN? [OPINION]
Bracketology noun 1. A term invented by some ESPN marketing wonk implying that there is actual science behind picking which schools will be selected to play in the NCAA Tournament; made to stick because ESPN owns the TV rights to the entire world except for, ironically, the NCAA men's basketball tournament, and don't you just know they're pissed about that.

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