Zoo Chimp Has Become Hopelessly Addicted to Adult Films
If you're on the wrong side of 30 like some of us, you'll remember that there was a time when it was relatively hard to get your hands on adult material. These days? It's so easy a monkey could do it. Er, a chimp.
With all of the free pornographic material available today, it's hard to remember the times when we watched the muted snow of the Spice Channel in our parent's basement, trying to figure out what was a body and what was a couch. We live in a land of plenty now, but that abundnance also poses a problem for those among us who become addicted to viewing the explicit images. We're not just talking about humans, either; it's a dilemma that has now expanded into the animal kingdom.
Gina, a chimp at the Zoo in Seville, Spain is one smart ape. The adult female quickly taught herself to use the TV remote control given to her by her handlers. What is Gina's favorite thing to watch, you ask? Well that would be hardcore pornography.
“The surprise was when they found that within a few days, Gina was not only using the remote control perfectly well, but that she also chose the porn channel for entertainment, as many of us would have done, ” wrote primatologist Pablo Herreros, who watches apes watch pornography for a living.
Now, just so we're clear on the rules: Is what Gina is doing considered bestiality, since she's watching humans fornicate? Asking for a friend.
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