YISD Students Can Now Get Dinner On Campus
School days don't necessarily end at the final bell and many students extracurricular activities keep them on campus well past the normal school days end.
Some Ysleta Independent School District (YISD) students no longer need to worry about missing dinner if they stay on campus late. The meals are free to students under 18 while adults kept on campus late may purchase meals.
"Given the large numbers of older students who stay on campus after school for sports, theater, band, or other clubs, the supper program gives students access to a nutritional meal in the cafeteria before rehearsal or practice". - KTSM
A total of 10 YISD schools are now part of this program which offers students a healthy dinner, after regular school hours.
- Bel Air High Del Valle High
- Hanks High Parkland High
- Riverside High Ysleta High
- Bel Air Middle Del Valle Middle
- Eastwood Middle Young Women's Leadership Academy
All YISD campuses offer students a free breakfast.