What Should My Dog Dress Up As For Halloween?
Yes, you read that right, "dog." While I may be known as the "crazy cat lady" on the show, I only have four cats BTW, many don't know that I have a dog too! Well, technically, she's my nephew's dog but we all live together so I'll claim her too. Her name is Coco. Now, every year we have a Halloween party at our house that our friends and family look forward to. In my family, we go all out for our Halloween party and everyone, including my grandpa, dress up. But, since I have cats, I never get the chance to dress them up because they WILL tear the costumes up! But it's not like I've haven't tried:
This is Junior. He did not like that lion mane, which I maintain that this was one of my better purchases on Amazon Prime. Well, he wasn't too pleased when this one came in:
So, unfortunately for Coco, she was all I had left to try costumes on! Luckily, she's a good girl, unluckily for me, there's too many to choose from! That's where you come in! Look at the following pictures and help me decide what we should dress Coco as for Halloween!