Is Arizona the Australia of the United States?

One may think it is when you doom scroll though Instagram or TikTok, because for the most part, a lot of people encounter some of the scariest creatures while out in the Grand Canyon State. I'm talking about scorpions, lizards and snakes!

It should come as no surprise that these creatures makes their way out of the wood work every now and then, Arizona is in the desert, after all. However, it can still comes as quite a shock when you encounter said creature. If you do, there's not much you can do- maybe call pest control? For the most part, you can just safely let the creature go about its way. Or, you can make a viral video about it!

That's exactly what Lauren Kay did when she encountered a new friend who needed a ride! Check it out below!

That's right, Kay had a snake on her windshield! Or, as many in the comments decided to call it: a windshield viper!

Many in the comments made jokes this being a typical Arizona experience, and how none of his snake friends would believe it. Also, the song choice is perfect!

Arizona is home to a variety of snake species, including both venomous and non-venomous ones. Some of the notable snake species found in Arizona include the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, one of the most common and largest venomous snakes in Arizona, known for its distinctive diamond-shaped pattern and rattling tail- and probably why their baseball team is called the Diamondbacks!

And the Mojave Rattlesnake, another venomous rattlesnake species found in Arizona, characterized by its light coloration and neurotoxic venom- which is what many in the comments said our friend on the windshield was.

Although it's a pretty funny video, I do hope that Kay found a way to let the snake down without any problems!

9 Creepy Bugs Found in Arizona

There are over 900 insects that call Arizona home. With that many, there are bound to be some creepy ones. Check out these 9 bugs that might just give you nightmares.

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