Uber Eats And Favor Need To Add These 3 Local Food Joints
Can you imagine if Uber and Favor added a few local restaurants that everyone loves to eat at?! These local restaurants don’t have enough room for the number of visitors they get. You know exactly what I am talking about especially when you go during lunchtime. The crowd is a mixture of grown-ups and teenagers at these local food joints. But there are some days you can’t escape work, school, or you just rather avoid the crowded space. This is how Uber Eats or Favor would save YOUR day for the times you’re craving one of these. If Favor and Uber added Chico’s Tacos, Rosco's Burger Inn, and House of Pizza a fudge ton of locals would be pleased. This may or may not be pricey on your wallet for the priceless taste. Now my question to you is if Uber or Favor added the three, what place would have your devoted business? Click the business in the poll below that you would use Uber Eats or Favor for during busy times.