This One Thing Halts El Paso Traffic & You Never Know When
When big semis are hauling windmill blades, traffic comes to a standstill. Depending on how many trucks there are (they do this in convoys) it can take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes before traffic can move again.
Here’s video I took yesterday at the I-10 Exit at North Mesa near the Crossroads. I got lucky. There were only three trucks so I was only stuck for about 15 minutes.
I’m not saying to stop transporting windmill parts. When it comes to renewable energy sources such as wind I am, much like the windmills themselves, a big fan.
Just a schedule, maybe? That’s all I’m asking for. Isn’t there some way to let us Westside motorists know WHEN one of these traffic-stopping windmill convoys is coming through. Someone must know ahead of time; they’ve got local PD out there directing the traffic. Notice in this video how I try to keep the phone out of view of the police officer who is, literally, a few feet away from my car!
We already suggested doing these oversized transpo jobs OUTSIDE of peak traffic hours but were told that’s not possible because these trucks with such enormous loads aren’t ALLOWED on the roads after dark.
I searched the city and the Police Department websites, with no luck. Even if we could get some notification about what DAY(S) traffic is going to be blocked, that would be something. How about putting THAT up on the TXDOT digital signs. “Don’t Drink and Drive. Also, don’t try to use Mesa near I-10 next Tuesday between 8 am and 5 pm.”
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