Thanksgiving Foods That Will Make Your Dog Sick & What To Do If They Do
Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away and your pets will be begging for scraps. Family and friends will be in town and people will be cooking and bringing over many delicious dishes. While you're hosting or enjoying time at a loved one's home, the family pets will be running around, trying for a chance to grab a morsel or two that falls off a table or is given to them. There are plenty of yummy things dogs can enjoy, but there are also some foods that can be dangerous to your furry friends.
Here are some of the Thanksgiving foods that your pets can enjoy:
- Turkey with no skin, fat, or bones and preferably white meat over dark meat
- Cheese but not too much, cheese in large quantities can be bad
- Rice any kind
- Sweet potatoes as long as they are not covered in marshmallow or spices like nutmeg which is bad for dogs
- Carrots that don't have a bunch of spices on them and fresh carrots would be best
- Celery fresh as possible
- Corn that is not on the cob
- Green beans
- Pumpkin with the same rules as sweet potatoes
- Apple without the core or seeds and some dogs (aka Tubby) prefer without the skin as well
And here are the foods you'll want to keep high on the counters and away from your pets:
- Ham (isn't "bad" but it isn't the healthiest option for your dog. Better to give them chicken or turkey)
- Onions (really toxic for animals)
- Raisins or grapes (these items are highly toxic for dogs)
- mashed potatoes (all the seasonings are bad for them)
- Store-bought deserts (these can contain spices or herbs that aren't ok for dogs to eat)
- Stuffing (also may contain onions, garlic, and others so big nope)
- Canned cranberries (fresh cranberries are ok but in small quantities)
- Chocolate (a big no no)
- Garlic (another big no no)
So what should you do if an animal has a medical emergency over the holiday? Thankfully, there are a few in El Paso across town you can head to:
- El Paso Animal Emergency Center
- 1220 Airway Boulevard
- Open 24 Hours
- Far East Animal Care Center
- 2240 Joe Battle Boulevard
- Open 24 Hours
- El Paso Animal Emergency Center West
- 5500 North Desert Boulevard
- Open 24 Hours
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