Everything is bigger in Texas, including on just how COLD it gets. While it gets pretty hot in Texas, don't forget it can get really cold. And we don't mean just cold. We mean absolutely FREEZING.

We've seen days get as low as 25, 20 degrees and that's pretty dang cold! Texas has also seen its share of severe winter storms in history but some of the coldest temperatures don't even occur DURING the storms.

Sometimes it just takes a REALLY cold day to experience some truly freezing weather as THESE shockingly (cold) days in Texas history prove...

26 Coldest Temperatures Ever Recorded in Texas

When it gets cold in Texas, it gets COLD. These are some of the coldest temperatures ever recorded in Texas history as reported by the NWS & various news sources.

Gallery Credit: Daniel Paulus

Yeah... -23 degrees is INSANE. To think it's happened TWICE in history is even crazier. To put that into bigger perspective, compared to the rest of the United States, the lowest temperature in Texas is even colder than the coldest temperatures recorded in a handful of states:

  • Florida: -2 degrees
  • Louisiana: -16 degrees
  • Alabama: -19 degrees
  • Georgia: - 17 degrees
  • South Carolina: - 19 degrees
  • Even the first state of the Union, Delaware, had a temperature low of -17 degrees.
  • Hawaii which had a temperature low of 12 degrees. They have yet to have anything hit below zero. (Yeah that's definitely not as bad as the rest of the United States)

In total, that's about 7 states that have had "warmer" record lows in their entire history (thank you Weather Channel for that handy piece of information).

Will Texas ever seen anything colder in the future? Considering Texas has been known to repeat itself & hit record lows in the last couple of decades, I'd say that anything is possible...

5 Horrible Natural Disasters To Hit Texas

Texas has seen some deadly weather through out the years but these ones are notorious for being some of the worst natural disasters to ever come through the Lone Star State.

Gallery Credit: Daniel Paulus

LOOK: 15 of the Oldest Restaurants in Texas

There's so much history involving restaurants & Texas. But what are the oldest restaurants in Texas? Here are 15 of the oldest places you can enjoy food in the Lone Star State.

Gallery Credit: Daniel Paulus

The 7 Biggest Statues in Texas

Everything is bigger in Texas & these statues prove that yeah, even our statues are some of the biggest you'll find in the United States.

Gallery Credit: Daniel Paulus

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