The Debate: Is It Acceptable To Fly A Texas Flag In New Mexico?
If you live in Texas, it’s extremely unlikely that anyone would get on your case if you decide to waive the state flag outside your house. The same goes for New Mexico, more than likely no one would get mad at you if you wanted to have a New Mexico flag flying outside your house.
But what about the other way around? What if you had a Texas flag outside of your home and you lived in New Mexico?
According to people online, having a Texas flag in New Mexico is a sin against humanity
This feeling was definitely felt on the Las Cruces subReddit, where one user shared a photo of their neighbor having the American flag (and Texas flag) outside their house. Needless to say, there were some extremely strong opinions about this.
NSFW WARNING: The following post contains some strong language...
I fuckin hate going to OUR New Mexican mountains and seeing this piece of shit rag everywhere. I counted 11 of these in Cloudcroft
byu/worried68 inLasCruces
If you browse through the comment section, you can see that it seems like a good majority of people agree with the OP. Even people from Texas.
People believe that the notion is: “If you live in a state & you wanna wave a flag, then wave THAT state's flag. Don’t wave a flag from where you USED to live”. Some people have claimed that this is the thing in other states, like Colorado for example.
The bottom line, I think the message is clear as user “im_iggy” said, “Don’t Texas My New Mexico!”. In other words: wave your state flags in YOUR state. PERIOD.
Unless of course, you want to ruffle some feathers with your neighbors. Or worse…. people on the internet.