As Roy D. Mercer asks, “Just how big an ol’ boy are you?”
Like, 17 feet tall. That’s Manute Bol standing on top Manute Bol standing on top of Verne Troyer.
A place that would bear the scars of racism’s dumb bludgeon became a bouquet of human expression. Next to the Hooters. That's El Paso. No emotional zoning laws.
The conditions at Toyota "Field" were far from ideal for a team that enjoys the part of the game where you roll the ball on the ground, which is to say "soccer"
This could be an intriguing game. A wise man once told me bowl games are all about the underdogs. We’ll see how much ASU really wants to fight for their outgoing coaches.
El Paso rocks! In part because we have so many of them. Rocks, that is -- including the biggest rocks around, the Franklin Mountains. Throw in some interesting weather and they can create some pretty spectacular sights.