
Old Lady Who Destroyed Jesus Painting Wants Money…Because It’s Become a Tourist Attraction [PHOTO]
Old Lady Who Destroyed Jesus Painting Wants Money…Because It’s Become a Tourist Attraction [PHOTO]
Old Lady Who Destroyed Jesus Painting Wants Money…Because It’s Become a Tourist Attraction [PHOTO]
Last month, Santuario de Misericordia church in Borja, Spain, was in the news. They were planning to restore a painting of Jesus on their walls by a 19th-century painter named Elias Garcia Martinez, but things went horribly wrong when a parishioner took it upon herself to restore the painting. She sucked so bad everybody's been going to the church to see the suckiness. So now she wants money! Read
Worst Church Singer Ever! [VIDEO][POLL]
Worst Church Singer Ever! [VIDEO][POLL]
Worst Church Singer Ever! [VIDEO][POLL]
This poor guy has the worst singing voice!  He's singing a song called "Looking for a City" in church.  He brags about his talent!  I have to believe that God doesn't care how you sound, as long as you believe what you are singing.  I only hope the parishoners feel the same way...