It's Super Tuesday! It's the single biggest day of the democratic primary campaign. Fourteen states will head out to the polls to pick who they think face off against President Trump this fall. With polls closing at 7 P.M. there's plenty of time to head over to your polling station. Of course, if you've already voted or if you're in a state that does not participate in Super Tuesday, there's still ways for you to be part of the action. With live coverage happening throughout most of the evening, what better way to partake in the Super Tuesday action than with a good old fashioned drinking game. You can always make up your own rules, but here's a great way to get started:

Drink (Beer of your choice) when:
Newscasters start to talk over one another
Mention of Trump’s Tweets about Bloomberg being a "chocker"
A screenshot of a voter’s and/or candidate’s Tweet appears on TV
An anchor mispronounces or stutters over a word
Replays of candidates who dropped announcing who they're endorsing
A newscaster uses any kind of wordplay or pun ie: “Berned out” “Trump Donald” etc.
The phrases: “game changer” “young voters” “make America great again” or any reference to “winning” is made
A clip of Joe Biden saying something weird
A clip of any candidate urging people to get out and vote today is shown
A Trump supporter is interviewed
You feel the need to change the channel
Any mention of Trump’s hands
Any mention of Mike Bloomberg's height

Take a shot (liquor of your choice) when:
A state’s confirmed result is announced
You feel disappointed and still at a loss of who you should vote for

Pour a shot out when:
Tulsi Gabbard and/or Mike Bloomberg officially drop out of the race

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