Six Foods You Should Never Grill (Including Burgers)
Summer is officially here, which means it's time to grill. But, here are some things that you should not be grilling according to chef who spoke with Bloomberg.
- Burgers - This has to do with the fat, and the fact that on a grill you lose most of it to drippage.
- Filet mignon - This has to do with the LACK of fat. Add in the fact that they're usually thick, it's difficult to cook them the way you want.I
- Pizza - Do people actually do this? At least on a regular enough basis for it to make the list? Well, either way, if you're going to do it, cook it in foil.
- Fish - At least most types of fish, including salmon. It's usually best to cook fish at a low temp, and when it comes to flaky fish, the smoke hides the flavor.
- Pork chops - Again, you lose all that delicious fat. So they're better in a pan.
- Shish kebabs - This is actually okay to cook on the grill. Where people make the mistake is putting meat and vegetables on the same skewer. They take a different amount of time to cook, so make sure you put them on separate skewers.