7 Of the Most Ridiculous Holiday Laws in Texas
The holidays are here! In Texas, there are so many places and ways to celebrate- but are you breaking any laws while celebrating?
It's not surprising that in any state, there are some ridiculous laws. Texas is no stranger to some weird state laws that are currently in effect today! Like you can't tuck your jeans into your boots if you own less than ten cattle! I know, weird right!
Well, the holidays are no different! Texas has some pretty weird laws for the holiday season; some of them make sense, but others are questionable!
Here are seven of them weirdest holidays laws in Texas:
7 Of the Most Ridiculous Holiday Laws in Texas
Did you ever think that someone would make a law against offensive smells? I guess 'tis the season!
As for how some of these laws even came to be, I'm not entirely sure. Like, who was the first person to throw a snowball in San Antonio that someone thought "that should be illegal"?
As for me, there are some holiday laws that I think should go into effect immediately like:
- Ban these other songs from playing at bars during the holidays- there are worst songs than Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas".
- It should be illegal to have to pay a fee to attend your office Christmas party!
- There should be a law that says leaving your Christmas lights year round is perfectly normal.
If you are known to be a rule breaker, maybe check first to see if you are breaking any of these laws. Happy holidays!
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Gallery Credit: Emily Claire
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