Professional Soccer in El Paso Will Be Both Great and Suck
Why Soccer is great…in an age of instant gratification it helps you develop a sense of patience and an appreciation for working toward fulfillment of an objective. As you watch the play progress down the field you see the players collaborating on moving toward that one goal, to score! Unlike some other sports such as Basketball where sometimes players seem to just score at will, that one score could be what decides victory. Soccer is not a game of gluttony.
Why Soccer sucks…it’s boring, “nothing ever happens.” Really? Go back and re-read that first paragraph.
Let’s be honest, if you have the attention span of a gnat, Soccer will never be for you. If you can’t look up from your phone long enough to see someone run one to 120 meters, Soccer isn’t for you.
However if you take pride in seeing the words “El Paso” emblazoned across a jersey, enjoy being outdoors breathing in a little fresh air, feel best when you feel like a part of something bigger than just your accomplishments; something accomplished on your behalf in appreciation of your support, then Soccer IS for you!