Off Leash Dog Park, Restaurant and Beer Garden Coming To El Paso
Wanna take your dog out to lunch or, to have a beer sometime? Pretty soon, you'll be able to here in El Paso.
Mutts Canine Cantina is planning to open an El Paso location, hopefully by September of 2021. How cool would that be? You and Rover, chilling on an outdoor patio, catching up over dinner and drinks. You may even meet that someone special as you strike up conversations with other dog lovers. For that matter, your dog may finally meet that cute little poodle he's always dreamed of. Who knows?
Hopefully, COVID 19 and the pandemic will be distant memories by September 2021 but, if ... God forbid ... this insanity should still be going on, I wonder:
- Will they be considered a bar or a restaurant? At this point in time, bars have been forced to close. Should this madness continue, could Fido and I grab a beer ... preferably a Chihuahua Cerveza or, something from Spotted Dog ... or not?
- If they are a restaurant that serves alcoholic drinks, would the other current restrictions apply? Do I have to stay 6 feet away from my dog? If some of his doggy friends are there, can they all sit at the same table?
- Do they need masks? I've seen pictures of dogs happily wearing cute little mutt masks but, mine are totally NOT having it.
Being that dogs apparently cannot contract COVID 19 in the furst place, (See what I did right there? FURst place? HAA!), I would imagine that this is a moot point. (Or, would that be MUTT point?) Our city leaders and the county judge seem to love setting and enforcing safety mandates so, I'm just trying to think ahead a little.