My fellow last minute Christmas shoppers, here's another rockin' gift idea ... and this ones FREE!Nine Inch Nails have been piling up live recordings since '08 and now they're GIVING them to their fans for Christmas!

You'll probably need an external hard drive for this though.  We're talking about 527GB of music here peeps; from almost 600 concerts.  NIN fans, this is the motherload ... that's a different NIN show every night for almost 2 years!!

For those worried about the time needed for such a monster download, you can send in your hard drive and let them do it for you!.  That's worth dropping a few bucks on a storage device don't 'ya think?

By the way, if YOU have ever recorded NIN .. or any of Trent's live performances .. he'd like to add your stuff to this collection!

Merry Christmas!!

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