New Mexico Bill Would Make It Illegal To Sell, Trade Or Gift Guns
If passed, the bill would essentially end your right to do as you wish with your own property.
Anti-gunners, don't start with me. As far as people who are lawfully disallowed gun ownership, it already is ... and has been ... illegal to sell them a weapon. As for other, law-abiding citizens, it's currently legal to conduct weapons transactions. The new bill being heard tomorrow would prohibit ANY exchange. Selling, lending, giving as a gift to a relative, trading, etc... According to the NRA:
Senate Bill 201: Firearm Transfer Act - Sponsored by Senator Michael Padilla, would ban all private firearms sales between law-abiding individuals, including every gift, loan or a simple handing off of a gun to a friend at the range.
It doesn't seem to affect your ability to sell your guns to a gun store or pawn shop. It does leaves open the possibility that you might be able to gift or sell weapons to friends and family after you:
- Register your weapons
- Paying undetermined fees
- Get the governments permission.
It also sets "civil liabilities" for dealers in certain situations. I think this is complete BS. If you agree, contact your representatives and let them know ASAP ... the hearing is TOMORROW!! (2/7/19)
Better yet, attend the hearing if possible. For details, click here.