Name Your Old Hot Spot You Partied at in Juarez as a Teenager
Living in the Borderland as a teenager gave us easy access to consuming alcohol. Ciudad Juarez was our go-to place when we wanted to have a few drinks under the legal drinking age. There were so many things wrong with going to Juarez just to drink that we took our chances on. There has been a lot of violence in Juarez for many years even when I wasn't the legal drinking age. I didn't really go as often as my friends because my dad used to work at the Paso Del Norte bridge Downtown. Since I skipped out a lot on drink and drown outings, I always got a recap of the crazy stories the next day. Thanks to David for filming one of his adventures at The Derby which you can see above. These places hold some insane memories that El Paso teenagers now will never get to experience.
When I turned 20 was around the time I started going more often to Juarez to party. By that time I was going with my sister and her friends further into J-Town. We had different days specified for a particular place throughout the week. Some of these places to party in Juarez may sound familiar to you. There were places deep inside Juarez and places closer to the bridge that only required walking over. The places further into Juarez you may have partied at were Chamuco's, The News, Don Qin Tin, Vertigo, and Sphinx Nightclub. My favorite place to party at out of those was Sphinx Nightclub (the Pyramid with the Pharoh). It was my favorite because of the foam parties that they held.
The other places you may remember that didn't require driving for you were on the strip. The good thing about walking over the bridge was not having to wait in traffic if you crossed by car. These other places that were on the strip were easier to get to if you felt uncomfortable driving. Those places to name were The Cave, Shooter's, Reno's, The Derby, and the World Famous Kentucky Bar and Grill. Out of all those places listed, which place did you prefer to participate drink and drown at? Select your favorite spot to party at in Juarez below.

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