Motorcycle Thief Chased down and Kicked off Bike [VIDEO]
A man had his motorcycle jacked but, it's ok. He jacked it right back.
I'm not sure exactly what the buildup to this story is, so I'll just make one up. While this guy was trying to decide whether he wanted to ride Highway 28 to Old Mesilla or take on the beautiful curves of Trans Mountain, someone Hestole his motorcycle. He turned on his GoPro, grabbed another bike and chased the thief down.
He catches up to the thief, gets real close and kicks him off the bike. Yeah, kicks him OFF the bike. I love it! This particular bike thief totally picked the wrong guy to steal from and got just what he deserved. Embarrassed, banged up and arrested. The cops showed up shortly after and hauled dumbass off to jail.
I love happy endings.