More East Side Traffic Issues – Pebble Hills This Time
Yay! They found another road to tear up, err ..... work on.
The east side gets some more traffic problems as the Pebble Hills Arterial Lighting Project kicks off this week. According to the El Paso Herald Post online:
Motorists are advised to expect lane closures along the project limits until the late summer of 2017 when the project is scheduled for completion. Proper traffic control measures and signage marking the closures and construction will be place throughout the construction phase of the project.
There you go, more good traffic news for you Eastsiders! The project's goal is to:
- Furnish and install new street lighting from Joe Battle to John Hayes
- Modifications to existing medians and additions of new medians
- Installation of new trees and landscaping for the medians and an irrigation system
The project should be completed by late summer.