For all you Sausage McMuffin fans out there, you can finally get your fix whenever you need it. Which is always. Don't worry, little kid from Big Daddy, you can stop crying for you can finally get that hot cakes and sausage. McDonalds has been test running all-day breakfast in certain areas, and it has done so well, they're bringing it nationwide. After years and years of customers asking when can they get their Egg McMuffin at midnight, the Golden Arches have finally listened.

Don't believe me?

McDonalds just released that in the past year there have been well over 120,000 requests on Twitter alone for them to serve breakfast all day. The only reason they haven't made breakfast available all day is because they didn't believe franchisees would have the grill space and warmers for hash browns and french fries. But back in July they told their McDonalds franchise owners to prepare for breakfast all day.

Now on Oct. 6, you will be able to get most, not all, breakfast items available all day. Egg McMuffins, Sausage McMuffins and hash browns will all be available, but different markets will have different items available. Some McDonalds in certain markets will remove some items from the regular menu to make room for the breakfast items. You can read more about the new breakfast hours at USA Today.


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