May The 4th Be With You Until Cinco De Mayo
Sometimes the month of May can be controversial with some of my friends. The dates May 4 and May 5 may seem like ordinary days to you if you're just an ordinary person. But if you make it a big thing on one of those days, we both know one is favorited more over the other. Usually the first day in May our social media blows up with particular memes about this month and certain days. For example, today was all about the Justin Timberlake "It's gonna be May" meme.
The upcoming days that a lot of you look forward to are right around the corner. There's May 4 that every Star Wars fan will dedicate the whole day to honor Star Wars. Then there's May 5 or as most of us once called it Cinco de Drinko aka Cinco de Mayo. I used to be that person that made sure to celebrate the country next door, Mexico. Place your two cents on which day you go all out on!