Marvel March Madness Part 2- Joanna And Lisa’s Picks For Hot Superheroes
Welcome back to Lisa and Joanna's Marvel March Madness! This is the only bracket that matters (to Joanna and Lisa anyway). The rules are simple: the ladies of the MoSho pit two Marvel movie or TV superheroes against each other in a "game" and have a lively debate of who is the hunkier hero to advance into the next game. Now, we don't really know much about brackets, Brandon explained it to us but we didn't really care about the specifics, we just wanted to pit hot guys against each other! In this second video watch as we go through eight "games" to see who makes it to the "Sweet 16" (terms we learned while making the bracket).
Play along with us and make your bracket as well, see who makes it to the final games. We have had many complaints because we don't have Wolverine or Deadpool on the bracket. There is a reason for that, we're keeping in line with the MCU/Marvel Studios characters and not the 20th Century Fox studio Marvel characters. The Disney/20th Century Fox merger hasn't seen a crossover yet, so we're holding off on those characters for now. But who knows, maybe later this can help us create more brackets in the future! Agree or disagree with us, we don't mind, that's half the fun of this bracket!