Man Shocked to Find Rodent in Grandson’s Soda
It's time to play another game of how did that get in there?
A man in the Houston-area was shocked to find a rat inside a bottle of soda that he gave to his grandson, reported on Monday by KPRC2. The 3-year-old grandson didn't drink the whole bottle, so they saved it for later. The next day, John Graves noticed something in the 20-ounce bottle. He said the rodent was floating in the bottle and is about 3 inches long.
The grandson was taken to his pediatrician to run tests, along with collecting samples of blood and urine to send to the State of Texas and the Centers for Disease Control.
The family has contact Dr. Pepper and the company wants the bottle to run tests. Graves wants to run tests on the bottle first before handing it over to the company. While the world awaits the final results, we can only wonder if this is real or fake. Either way, Buzz isn't going to stop drinking Dr. Pepper.
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