Major Grocery Stores to Still Require Masks in Texas
Governor Abbott announced that businesses in the state of Texas will be able to open to 100% capacity and masks will no longer be required coming up on March 10th. This doesn't mean that businesses HAVE to operate at 100% capacity or drop their mask mandate. In fact, some of the bigger chains are still going to require masks.
We don't have an HEB in El Paso, which pains me greatly, but they will still require masks in their stores. Same goes for Albertson's. It was originally reported that Albertson's was going to drop its mask mandate and not require customers wear them. That is no longer the case. Here in El Paso, our Albertson's were going to require masks anyway because of a county mandate that still required them. The company said in a statement:
While we know that mask requirements have been controversial and polarizing across some of our operating areas, we also know that masks in combination with social distancing and proper cleaning and sanitization can work to prevent the spread of the virus.
What should you do coming up on March 10th? Wear the damn mask. Just because Governor Abbott says you don't have to wear a mask doesn't mean you shouldn't wear a mask. Is it really that difficult to put something over your face while you're in a store? Masks bug the Hell out of me because they f*** up my beard, but I'm still going to wear a damn mask until we're completely through this pandemic.
READ MORE: See how some companies are changing their businesses to combat COVID-19
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