Local Eco-Service at Friend’s Front Door Shocked Me It’s in El Paso
I went over to my friend's house and was shocked to discover El Paso has a locally-based composting eco-service that picks up and delivers food scraps.
According to a report from two years ago from KTSM news station channel 9, this is how it works:
"Each customer receives a green bin that they fill with food that is considered organic waste.
The company works as a garbage pick-up and takes the filled bucket each week, replacing it with a clean one that contains a bag of compost ready to use.
Compost is organic material made up of food scraps and yard waste that can be added to the soil, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency."
Here's my interview with customer and friend Brianne Saad:
How long have you been using it?
For over a year I've been using the service.
What's the main benefit you've noticed?
I'm not guilty about my food waste any more.
How does it work?
They pick up and drop off every week and the drop off includes 5 lb of compost and the wood shadings.
What do you use the wood shavings for?
To cover the food to help with the breakdown of the brown stuff of compost the actual compost is added to our yard and plants and gifted to people that have plants.
Our sister station KISS even wrote an article when they first came out a couple of years ago!
"You can compost all fruit and vegetable scraps either raw or cooked along with the peels, pulp, pits, stems, and seeds. You can compost any bread or grain products, egg shells, coffee grounds, and tea leaves including coffee filters, meat and bones that have been cooked, and nuts and nut shells."
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