When Jay Weinberg isn't playing drums with Slipknot, he's swapping his stage mask for a different mask — a goalie's mask for ice hockey.

Of course the 'Knot skinsman has a custom mask which is befitting of his persona within the legendary group. Designed by David Fried, the sides of the helmet features laced stitching that runs from the jaw up to the temples where a cross-stitched pattern meets riveting at the edge toward the back.

On the front is a ghastly white face and a zippered mouth, matching Weinberg's mask he currently wears in Slipknot, and on the crown of the helmet is the Slipknot enneagram with the same cross-stitched pattern that appears on each side. Underneath it all is the band's "S" insignia, making for one brutal looking goalie mask.

View all the angles of Weinberg's mask toward the bottom of the page.

Discussing his adoration for ice hockey on NHL star Mike McKenna's "6 Degrees" podcast, the drummer said, "I have a friend who runs a guitar shop in town and he and I said, ‘We’ve got to start a team,' so we started a team together called the East Side Hellhounds. He and I were on the ice at 6AM every day, playing hockey and getting our chops back because I had quit playing hockey."

Cautious not to simply recreate the mask he wears in the band, Weinberg explained of his hockey mask's design, "I got my pads and basically had the mindset of, ‘All right, I play in a band where I wear a mask – I can’t not have my goalie mask be my Slipknot mask.’ So I contacted a really talented guy named Dave Fried from Friedesigns, who painted my goalie mask."

Weinberg will be ready to don his Slipknot mask once again when the new year starts as Slipknot have a European tour with Behemoth set to begin in mid-January.

Jay Weinberg's Slipknot-Themed Hockey Mask

The Evolution of Slipknot's Terrifying Masks


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