As a kid in Texas you’re taught so many things, one of the most important would be to know the difference between right and wrong. For example, we find out at an early age that drugs can cause serious harm to ourselves and our families, so we’re encouraged to stay away from them. Sure, some people are still going to choose to try drugs throughout their life, but knowing the dangers is important. The same can be said about getting affiliated with gang activity. It’s not going to lead to a successful and happy life but some people still choose to live that lifestyle. 

I’m fortunate when I tell you that I have never had any negative interaction, nor have I been in any dangerous situation due to gang activity. Most people know that gangs are common in most parts of the country, but here in Texas I have never had any issues. Yes, there are gangs in Texas but for the most part you can choose to avoid the more dangerous areas that gang activity might be present, especially when it’s late at night. I am a firm believer that nothing good happens after midnight. 

Texas Gangs

Be Aware Not Scared in Texas 

We have some tremendous law enforcement officers in Texas trying to keep everyone safe. But when it comes to gangs, there isn’t normally a bunch of random violence. If you stay to yourself, don’t show disrespect, and immediately leave any dangerous situation, you’ll be fine. There is a good chance you will never see any gang members in Texas.  

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Let’s Look at the Known Gangs in Texas 

If you’re curious as to which gangs are known to be in Texas. Here is a look at the list.  

List of Gangs That Operate in Texas

Here is a look at some of the most common gang or criminal organizations that are known to be in the state of Texas.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

6 Deadly Snakes Found in Texas

If you're spending time outdoors in Texas you will want to avoid these six deadly snakes if at all possible.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

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