How Many Presidents Are From Texas & Arizona?
Happy President's Day, ya'll!
While it may sound like a day to celebrate and honor all presidents of the United States, it is actually a day that now also simply commemorates two: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Rah-Rah.
It started as a national holiday honoring George Washington's birthday in 1885, but it was changed to the third Monday in February of 1971. Here is the reasoning, according to the National Archives:
The position of the holiday between the birthdays of Washington and Abraham Lincoln gave rise to the popular name of Presidents Day.
But it got me wondering... how many presidents have actually come from Texas and Arizona?
The easy answer for Arizona: none. Zip. Zero. No president was born in Arizona, nor did one run and win representing Arizona.
The late John McCain made a valiant effort, but came up short most recently against Barack Obama.
So, what about Texas? It IS the second-largest in terms of electoral college votes in the country. And everything is bigger in Texas.
Believe it or not, the only two presidents in United States history who were BORN in the State of Texas are ... Dwight D. Eisenhower (Denison, Texas) and Lyndon B. Johnson (Stonewall, Texas).
You might be thinking, but what about the Bush family tree? George H.W. Bush, the 41st President of the United States, and George W. Bush, the 43rd POTUS, both served in public office here in Texas. The elder was a state representative and, of course, George W. Bush was 46th Governor of Texas, which launched him into the White House.
But George W. was born in New Haven, CT. George H.W. was born in Milton, MA.
However, both of their presidential libraries are located in the State of Texas.
The Bush Library is located in College Station, TX.
The George W. Bush Library is located in Dallas, TX.
And finally, the Johnson Library is located in Austin, TX.
Despite Dwight D. Eisenhower being born in Texas, he's more closely tied with Kansas. His library is located in Abilene, KS.
So as it stands for Presidents' Day 2023, two past presidents were born in Texas, but three are primarily affiliated with the Lone Star State.