Here’s How to Tell Deftones Has a Special Love for Texas
Deftones fans in Texas are feeling pretty special about the merchandise being offered for this year's Spring Tour. It seems there is a specific type of Deftones tour t-shirt that was only made for the fans in Texas.
When it comes to tour dates in Texas Deftones enjoys going big. If you're a part of Deftones Facebook Group then you may have seen pictures fans have been sharing of this year's merchandise being offered.
Now there is a difference in one particular shirt Deftones is selling on tour but only in the state of Texas. For example, Deftones concert in Albuquerque last month had sold out of merchandise in sizes large and up.
But one particular shirt I had my eye on was navy blue with yellow lettering is nothing like the Texas version of it. The navy blue shirt with yellow lettering comes in a different style but ONLY for the Texas shows.
Nothing makes a Deftones fan in Texas happier than the special kind of merchandise currently being offered. The Texas version of the navy blue shirt with yellow lettering I have seen is top-notch my friend.
The difference is the navy blue shirt with yellow lettering has the big state of Texas with only the 3 Texas tour dates on it. You can check it out Chino Moreno rocking the Texas version on Deftones Instagram page below.
Plus, if you're a part of the Facebook group then you would have seen Roberto Barron's picture he got of the merch booth.
Plus, we cannot forget the time in 2016 when they tweeted about Texas tour dates as seen in the tweet below. But Deftones fans in Texas can definitely feel the love from the band knowing the difference in the merchandise being offered compared to other places. Just as Justin Williamson took a photo (below) of the merchandise offered in Portland, Oregon which was the same as the Albuquerque, New Mexico merch.
But Juan Pan Dulce is lucky he got himself one of the specialty Texas Deftones t-shirts from the 2022 tour below.