Four Loko’s New Hemp Flavor Debuts In Time For 4/20
Another 4/20 has come and gone. I hope everyone celebrated safely, and considering we're in Texas, I hope you celebrated somewhere outside the state lines. 4/20 is not really my thing. I'm a drinker. Yes, I know, it's much worst, blah blah blah. But I still wanted to celebrate when I heard the strangest thing ever: Four Loko was releasing a "hemp" flavored Four Loko!
I may be alone here, well along with four other friends, but I like Four Loko. They're cheap and if you want a night to not remember, then this is it! I was intrigued to hear they were debuting this hemp flavor because my first thought was "HOW?!"
Well, according to Thrillist, while my favorite night out drink will contain 12% ABV, it will contain NO HEMP. That's right, it's all the benefits of a blackout in a can minus the hemp. Apparently, it will be the "the flavor people think of when they hear hemp." No clue what that means. But you can totally find out what that means this month.
It was supposed to be released for 4/20, but I spent a majority of 4/20 looking for this Four Loko and didn't find it. So if you find it, let me know. For now, I guess I'll stick to my Green Apple Four Loko.