Fountains at Farah Welcomes Back ‘Movie Night On The Lawn’ Saturdays in October
The Fountains at Farah free movie series returns this fall. Clear your Saturdays next month because Movie Night on the Lawn returns in October.
On consecutive Saturday evenings beginning October 15, the Fountains will be showing movies on the Promenade festival lawn located on the lower section across from Kona Grill and Chuy’s.
Movie Night on the Lawn
The 4-movie series will begin and end with Tim Burton classics, kicking off with the Johnny Depp-led "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory" and ending with "The Nightmare Before Christmas."
Is "Nightmare" a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie? You and your family can debate the issue that has divided Americans since 1993 at its November 5 screening.
Talking cats, big teeth, and a trio of witches are also on the schedule because it wouldn't be Movie Night on the Lawn without the Sanderson sister and the annual Halloween-time screening of the silly fun that is "Hocus Pocus."
Saturday, October 15
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (2005‧PG)
Saturday, October 22
Monsters Inc (2001‧G)
Saturday, October 29
Hocus Pocus (1993‧PG)
Saturday, November 5
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993‧PG)
What to Know If You Plan to Go
• All movies are free to see
• Approximate start time is 7:30 p.m.
• Pets allowed as long as they remain leashed
• Bring your own lawn chairs or blanket as seating will not be provided