During an interview with Coffee With Ola, former Evanescence guitarist Jen Majura opened up about her recent departure from the band, which she initially thought was a joke.

Host and fellow musician Ola Englund broaches the topic, stating, "There's a big Evanescence in the room, oh did I say that? I mean elephant." Here's what happened when Majura was let go from Evanescence, according to her.

The day that she was let go from the band, Majura recalls that she was cleaning her apartment when she got the call. She explains, "First of all, I was like 'is this a bad joke?,' and I remember after I got the news I hung up and I have this hallway in between my studio and my living room and I just laid there on the floor staring at the ceiling wondering what that was and...Literally looking over to my suitcase that I have already started packing because I was two weeks from going out on the road until pretty much the end of the year."

When Englund asked her about how she felt about leaving the band, she responded, "I believe honestly, that's like, what? Three weeks now and I am, since I got the news, and I'm still in this blurry, oblivious...momentum. I, I guess I"m still in shock. Kind of, because you know after being married six years all of a sudden you're divorced."

Englund says that that's a good comparison and that when you leave a band it's like breaking up with five people. Majura goes on to say that she always tries to find the positive in situations so "every day, step by step, I'm not doing great yet. But every day I find like little tiny things that you know I'm like, 'Oh, actually this is good.'"

The guitarist continues, "I'm hurt and I'm still in this blurry confusion of 'what just happened?.'" She reveals that she's received some big offers from other bands since, but "would like to consider them, just not now, not yet."

For now, the former Evanescence guitarist is going to focus on herself and her music and says she feels like she "lost a little bit of my music inside of me during these past years because, what I right now do, what I right now want to do is I wanna reconnect with myself. And feel, and hear, and play my music again."

Majura revealed that her plan now is to write her third solo album. You can watch her full Coffee with Ola interview below.

Former Evanescence Guitarist Opens Up About Dismissal From Band

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