Federal Employees Can Do A Food Pick Up From Police Station
Some federal employees are facing the same fear homeless people feel every single day. The Veterans Non-profit normally help low-income veterans by providing the necessities they need. But after the Government shutdown, they will also be opening their doors to all unpaid federal employees.
A federal employee can stop by the 4300 block of Dyer and explain what necessities they need. So if you're a federal employee that didn't earn that paycheck you can still feed yourself or the family. USA Today provided a list of freebies a federal employee can take advantage of until the government shutdown comes to an end.
Poke3 is on that list and is offering a free bowl (worth $7.95) after providing a government ID on Saturday and Sunday. County Commissioner Robinson and Operation HOPE will have their food pantry open from 10 am to 3 pm. Their food pantry is located at 9600 Dyer, the Northeast Regional Command Center. If you or someone you know needs some assistance share this helpful information with them.