Facebook Party Invitation Gets Over 400 Detained In Juarez
A Juarez girls 16th birthday party got crazy after an invitation posted on Facebook and over 400 were detained. (Can you imagine what her quinceanera was like?)
A 16-year-old Juarez girl's Dad arranged a birthday party for his mija and posted an invitation online. It was seen by, well, everyone and over 400 teenagers showed up. The El Paso Times: reported:
Police detained about 425 teens for disturbing the peace after officers responded to complaints about loud music and teens drinking alcohol at a house in the Puerta del Sol neighborhood, which is across the border from the Clardy Fox area in South-Central El Paso.
According to EP Times, the birthday girl's father was arrested for trying to "prevent officers from shutting down the festivities by allegedly offering officers a bribe of 500 pesos (about $25) and a watch."
I guess the watch was too much, huh? Check out pics here.