Imagine you're wandering through a field at night. You notice a slight rise and go toward it for a closer look or, you trip and fall on it.  You realize it's not a rise in the earth, it's a rotting dead body. You jump up and run but, trip over another one. Then another. 

Be careful where you watch that video, NSFW!

It's a body farm and yes, they do exist.  Officials don't exactly publicize their locations, and the bodies are kept in cages so animals don't get them but, they're there.  Fields of bodies, just laying around. Decomposing.  This is how forensics experts learn what happens to the body after death which, in turn, helps them solve crimes. Once they know how certain situations affect the body, they can determine time of death, manner of death, etc, etc.

There's nothing sinister about it. It's just eerie.


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