EPPD Stepping Up DWI Patrols This Fri
Lot of initials there so, here it is in plain English. Don't drink and drive Friday!
You shouldn't drink and drive ever but, Friday will be an especially bad time to do it. The El Paso Police Department, (EPPD), is spreading extra officers all over El Paso Friday as part of a city - wide DWI task force. According to a press release on EPPD's website:
The El Paso Police Department’s DWI Task Force will conduct a DWI SurgeFriday, April 28, 2017. Additional officers from each Regional Command will assist DWI Task Force Officers in identifying and arresting impaired drivers on El Paso roads. This DWI Surge will begin Friday, April 28, 2017. DWI is a preventable offense. Don’t drink and drive, designate a driver, call a cab, call a friend or relative. Never operate a vehicle after consuming alcoholic beverages.
Free taxi rides are available 24/7 by calling (915) 212 - 7777.