EPPD Is After Distracted Drivers
Distracted driving can be dangerous and the El Paso Police Department is making a special effort to catch people not paying attention to the road.
For the remainder of January, the El Paso Police Department is really going after folks not paying attention to their driving. According to the El Paso Times:
Distractions can include driving while talking on a cellphone, texting, putting on makeup, eating and drinking, playing with pets and reading, according to a police news release.
A 2010 law, passed in El Paso, banned the use of cellphones while driving unless a "hands free device" was used. Last year, according to the EP Times, EPPD wrote almost 11 thousand citations for distracted driving.
Don't let any distractions get to you, either wait until you arrive at your destination or pull over. It only takes a second for something to happen!