EPISD Superintendent Sends Reassuring Message As School Starts
For many students, like my two nephews, today is the first day of school. If you had asked earlier in the summer what they were most excited about, the older one would have said he's excited to enter middle school; my younger nephew would have told you he's excited to finally be a fifth grader. As the first day of school approached, their outlook changed. The recent tragedy that struck our town has had them asking questions that I wasn't even sure I knew the answers to.
The first day of school has finally come and for many students and parents (and aunts!) it's scary. Although they aren't my children, I care for my nephews as if they were my own, their safety and well being concerns me greatly. I'm sure that many other parents shared in my worries which is why I was happy to hear when EPISD superintendent Juan C. Cabrera sent out a message to all parents this past weekend, assuring parents and guardians that their children were in good hands.
As the first day winds down, the uncertainty eases. As I wait for my nephews to come home, I know it's important to hear them and their concerns, and make sure that no matter what they feel safe.