EP Mayor And Aaron Jones Want You To Stop The Spread Of COVID-19
The City of El Paso got some of the biggest names in the Sun City to come together and ask the people of El Paso to be team players and mask up to save lives. NFL star, Burges High School graduate, and UTEP alum Aaron Jones is lending his star power to the City of El Paso to try and convince people to mask up while in public. The football star is featured in a new City PSA, along with the El Paso mayor Dee Margo. The two filmed the video at the University of Texas at El Paso Sun Bowl football stadium. In the video, you hear the Mayor discuss how El Paso is still battling the coronavirus. The video is filled to the brim with football puns, including how you can "play defense" and be a "committed player" to fight the spread of COVID-19 in the city. Aaron even gives a great line of how we need to mask up and "get in the game of prevention."
At the end of the video, you see Aaron Jones and Dee Margo standing (socially distanced) side-by-side, giving tips on how you can help curb the spread of the Coronavirus in El Paso. Some of their tips include:
- Practice social distancing
- Wash your hands frequently
- Wear your mask
- Get tested if you feel like you haveCOVID-19, or have been exposed to COVID-19
This morning, the City of El Paso released the City's new COVID numbers, saying there were 215 new cases in the city which is far different than the number that was released by the Department of Public Health, which stated 540 new reported cases, according to KVIA. We're still waiting to hear back from the city officials to see why the discrepancy and to find out which number is correct.